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RLC Vision and Values

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 RLC provides mental health outpatient therapy in a private practice setting, utilizing in office and telehealth services. We work with a combination of Medicaid Funded Insurances, Private Insurances and Private Pay. Real Life Counseling provides executive and administrative services to our team of Independent Clinicians. Instead of getting caught up in the distractions of running a business, such as insurance billing or administrative procedures, our counselors focus on what they do best: counseling. This allows our Clinical team to direct their energy to where it matters most: our clients.



RLC originated out of the vision of its 2 business owners, Joe Klemz and Justin Farrell, to establish a unique opportunity for licensed clinicians to discover a pathway of empowerment over their careers and job opportunities, while meeting the tremendous mental health needs of Clark County, WA.  Their business model was to provide a service to counselors to allow them to do the part of counseling they love - working with clients - while supporting them with an administrative infrastructure that meets both their and client’s needs.  It also originated out of their own desire to provide a private practice standard of quality to the community as a whole, coming alongside already established community mental health clinics of Clark County, WA.  


RLC Vision Statement: To provide dignified mental health services from a strengths-based & client centered posture, utilizing evidence based and best practices approaches in being a support to our community in meeting its mental health related needs.  We also desire to be a safe, supportive and collaborative place for our group of 1099 Independent Contracted Clinicians to learn and grow in their practice, along with our team of administrative staff to also grow in their own career path, skill sets and opportunities.  


RLC believes that much of what makes a person want to join with us comes down to three core ingredients: Pay, Culture and Role (Role meaning - the value of the work a person is doing and how it fits into their personal vision, strengths and values). It is the desire of RLC to be “the” preferred location for licensed, independent clinicians looking to either establish or grow their own practice in a setting that supports them to do the work they love.  We desire this same thing for our administrative staff of employees while also maintaining a heart for teaching as we train and grow the next generation of therapists through internships.  In order to do that, RLC must steward those three core components.  With those in mind, RLC desires to always remain competitive & congruent with the industry flow of salary and benefits, we also cultivate a place of collaboration, transparency, humility, support, respect, and genuine care for those who partner with us.  We also recognize we are a “step” in everyone’s journey and value however long that step lasts.  It’s that understanding that creates the posture in which we take with each 1099 clinician, intern, and/or administrative employee.  In partnership with that, RLC recognizes the opportunities that come with empowerment and desires for each person working with us.   We do not operate out of a “proprietorship” mentality - instead, we know that empowering a 1099 Clinician and administrative staff empowers our community and the life of that individual.   Our employment values guide these philosophies and ultimately, the vision we have.  


Servant Leadership - We take an “upside down” approach to leadership in the workplace.  We seek to serve those we lead.  Through ongoing support and a strengths based, accessible and collaborative approach, we seek to strengthen, encourage and promote the confidence and competence of our staff through a support approach.  

Humility - Both cultural and in general - this means a recognition that no one person has greater or lesser value and worth than any other person in the room, regardless of background, experience, education, title or role.  This also means we take a supportive posture with our clients, staff and community partners. We do not take a “I’m the professional” approach and instead, we “check our ego at the door“ so we can humbly collaborate with those we interact with and offer our strengths where there is room for it.

Collaboration - We believe we provide a better product when more of us are involved and value the collaboration process with clients, staff and community partners

Transparency - Transparency can mean that “I trust you with this information and I believe we can, if we all have the bigger picture, creatively collaborate on solutions that meet the needs of all those involved.  Transparency is demonstrating our trust of your professionalism & expertise (meaning, with clients, they are the “expert” on themselves) and invitation of your input.

Courageous but respectful, conversations - We speak to the “elephant” in the room, but do so graciously, maintaining & upholding the dignity of individual we are talking with

We invest in people, not programs - Which means we create time and systems to support & invest into the individuals that make up RLC.  We believe that investing into the people of our clinic will result in the kind of outcomes we strive for.  

Strengths Based - We speak to the strengths of others, we uphold the dignity of those even when they aren’t around, we “loan” out our strengths and not just “point” out another’s weakness.  We also seek to be solutions focused - meaning, we work to find solutions, not just point out the problem.  A dark room doesn’t become brighter by cursing its darkness - instead, we look for where the light switch is.  

Person/Client Centered - We believe clients are the experts on themselves and they know where they want to go with their treatment.  Clinicians are expert guides but are joining a client on their own journey of where they want to go.  We encourage this approach not just with our clients, but one another.

Competent - Providing safe and competent, professional care to our clients and we invest in our team so they can provide that care. 

Excellence - We strive to “go the extra mile” in providing care and services that reverberate excellence.  

Create space for individual strengths & passions - We believe everyone has experiences, passions, strengths & talents that can be identified and utilized to meet either individual needs or even professional ones and strive to make room for those to not just exist, but be capitalized upon in providing avenues of personal passions within the workplace.  

Support their journey - RLC is just one step of everyone’s journey, whether as a client or as a staff person, and supporting that journey means knowing where that person is wanting to go and seeing where we can be a support in helping that person get there.  

Make the investment - This means, we make space & time to spend that extra minute or two with someone when they are struggling or they are needing something we ourselves may not know how best to support - so we make the investment to learn, even if just a little, on how best we can help.  

Be teachable, be a learner - Life is a lesson we all should be learning and this becomes even more important in providing mental health services.  We all recognize no one person has it “all figured out”, so we walk humbly and receptive to opportunities to grow, learn, be coached and receive crucial feedback that helps us to be the best counselors and staff we can be.  

Respect - We believe everyone deserves respect, in even the most difficult of situations and seek to provide that to everyone we interact with.  We also believe that respect is the way in which people can feel safe with open and honest communication, feel comfortable with stepping out with their own creative ideas towards collaboration and promotes the most healthy of environments to grow in.  Respect means, people can feel “safe” to interact with us, even with what can be difficult or vulnerable topics of conversation

Working with RLC means you can align with these values and feel a sense of connection to them in your own life.  It doesn’t mean you adhere to them all but while in the workplace, you do your best to embody, understand and respect them.  Our vision, philosophies and values are not rules - they inform us on the kind of culture and service we try our best to provide.  

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