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Jon Dorbolo

photo of Jon Dorbolo, Intern

Jon Dorbolo, Intern

Clinical Intern

Intern Supervisor: Jason Norris


Jon is a third-year graduate student of Clinical Mental Health at Oregon State University. He received his PhD. In Philosophy in 1987 and M.A. in Psychology in 2019. He served as OSU’s Faculty Senate President in 2018. He is recipient of several national awards including Top 50 Innovators in Education in 2102 and the Catalyst Exemplary Online Course Award in 2013. Being with his daughter and grand children is hid great joy. Supporting people in making personal growth and well being is his passion. Jon’s approach to education and personal growth is encapsulated in his motto; “I learn therefore I become.”

Areas Of Focus

Anxiety, depression, obsessive disorders, grief/loss, employment related, emergency/crisis responders, PTSD, family issues, relationship problems, LGBTQ+, fear, sleep disorders, uncertainty/confusion, disappointment, self-esteem issues, substance use, social isolation and loneliness ; Solution-Focused Therapy 


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