Real Life Counseling is a private practice in Clark County, WA. It provides mental health outpatient therapy in a private practice setting, utilizing in-office and tele-health/virtual services. We work with clients utilizing a combination of Medicaid/Medicare Funded Insurances, Private Insurances, and Private Pay. This position is for current graduate students looking for a site to complete all or part of their internship hours as part of their Master of Arts in Counseling or Social Work. Dr. Melinda Johnson is our Intern Program Director.
For current RLC 1099 Clinicians who have been licensed for 2 or more years and are interested in providing Internship Supervision, you can also use the application process below to let us know your interest. You may also reach out to Melinda directly for information.
Thank you for your consideration in applying to the counseling internship program!
At RLC, the concept of courageously loving ourselves and others is what drives us. Our goal for our internship program is to be a part of creating competent professionals for our community and our profession. We accept applications on a rolling basis. Please review the Intern position description and the information on this page. If you feel you meet the qualifications, complete the internship application and review submission guidelines below.
RLC Intern Clinicians Get:
Your Commitment:
Submission Materials - Please submit the following:
Please ADD to your Cover Letter - Internship Application to Copy and Paste & Add to your cover letter
Full Name (First & Last): _______________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________
Address (Street, City, State, Zip): ____________________________________________________________________________________
Phone: __________________________________ Leave Voicemail? (Y/N): _________ Email: ______________________________
University Attending: ____________________________________________
Program: _____________________________________________________
Anticipated Completion by: _______________________________________
When is your practicum/internship start date? _______________________________________________________________________
How did you hear about this internship site (Internet/Website, Current Team Member, Internship Fair, Other?)
List any specific populations that you are hoping to work with: ______________________________________________________
What theoretical orientation(s) might you explore during your internship experience? ______________________________
What are your strengths? ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Please do not forget to add the application above to your cover letter