
Why is Counseling Helpful?

Written by MaureenGarrett | Jan 15, 2017 10:00:18 AM


Why is counseling helpful?
Maureen Garrett

Counselors are skilled professionals trained in assisting people as they seek to create positive changes in their life. Often when people are experiencing distressing emotions or situations it is incredibly difficult to find a clear path forward. Friends and family are needed support but for one reason or another are often limited in their ability to help. In this blog, I’ll focus on a few key areas where counseling can be uniquely beneficial:

Assessment- What is the difference between feeling worried often and generalized anxiety? Is my sadness normal? Do my spouse and I fight too much? These are common questions that don’t have easy answers but counselors are trained to help clients evaluate and navigate these gray areas and many like them in a helpful and clear way. Counselors work with their clients to identify what’s wrong and give guidance on ways clients can work toward healthy solutions and change.

Support- One of a counselor’s primary roles is to support clients going through difficult experiences while also assisting clients as they foster their own support systems. Counselors help clients understand what healthy support is and how to create it outside of the counseling office. Counselors are skilled in creating safe, supportive environments where clients can grow, heal, and work toward change.

Objective insight- Counselors strive to be fair, unbiased, and unconditionally accepting. Having a safe space to explore hard questions can be incredibly helpful. The counseling relationship is different from any other in that it is primarily and intentionally one way; meaning the counselor is focused on assisting the clients, not on their own needs being met in the relationship. This allows a counselor to bring a unique perspective, centered around helping the client. It’s a unique relationship that research has shown to instrumental and uniquely helpful in creating positive change.

Making Changes- Counselors are trained in working with clients to create a clear path forward. Often clients may feel stuck and not identify underlying contributing factors that may limit their growth. Counselors understand what helps people change and work with each client to discover what might help them individually move forward in an effective way.

These are a few key areas that highlight how and why counseling can be helpful. The counseling relationship is unique many ways and structured specifically to assist clients in creating healthy and positive changes. To discuss counseling and how it might benefit you, please contact one of our therapists to talk more about it in person or on the phone!